Dan from Des Moines, "Your on the line - go ahead caller."

"Yea Commissioner What do you think about Alabama being ranked #2 in the nation? "Commissioner, "
Wrong - Alabama is the best team in the country. If they had a kicking game they would have beat LSU and be on top of the rankings. They will get another shot to prove they are the better team and Alabama will prevail. There isn't another team in the nation that can play defense like they do other than LSU. Sure, Houston is undefeated - but they don't play the same level of talent."
Commissioner, "We have Christpher from Ankeny on the line - Go ahead Caller. Christopher from Ankeny, "Which conference do you believe is stronger The Big Ten or The Big XII?" Commissioner, "
Wrong! I appreciate your 'heart on' for the Big X there Chrissy, but The Big Ten is now considered the scandal league. Sure the Big Ten is a grind 'em up beat 'em up defense football league. While The Big XII is quickly becoming the high flying you have to score 50 or more to win football league. But, neither have as much panache as the SEC. The SEC currently gets as much public attention as your boy crush Justin Bieber - Baby. So, crawl back into your little world of The Big Ten, and call me again when you have a real question."
Commissioner, "We have Terri from Ames on the line - Go ahead Caller."
Terri, "Commissioner, how do you think the Iowa State Women's basketball team will do this year, Woo Hoo - Go Cyclones?"

Commissioner, "
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong - What in the Sam Hill is wrong with you? The only female atheletics the Commissioner follows are: Iowa State Cheerleading, Swimsuit modeling, and Playboy posing. I believe all three of those are going to have a great year."
ClickIowa State plays in the Pinstripe Bowl taking on Rutgers at 2:30 at Yankee Stadium. I think there is going to be some heavy weather in New York at the end of the year.
Iowa State Weather Alert
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